Monday 20 June 2011

The Celebration

It’s my birthday… my 52nd birthday.  I have not prepared anything special.  Jimmy, my partner, isn’t available.  What’s new?, I mutter, as I drive through the night. 

We played bridge this evening, the girls and I.  It was Robin’s turn.  We had a slightly more interesting supper than usual, in honour of my special day. It was fun.  Girlfriends are very special people. 

As I pull into the driveway, I notice that the house is in darkness.  That’s odd.  I am sure I left the kitchen light on.  I’m alone.  Should I call Chubb and ask them if they will watch me enter my house, just in case?  Nah, I probably forgot to switch it on.  I’ll just go in by myself.

I lock the car and unlock the kitchen door.  Ah?  What is this?  Standing on the floor in the doorway to the lounge is a small candle:  and from that candle, a trail of candles leading to the dining room.  What are those funny blobs on the floor?

I’m partly scared, and ever so curious.  My heart thuds.  I go to the candle, and pick up one of the blobs.  It is soft and satiny.  As I rub it, its exquisite scent scintillates my nose.  It’s a rose petal.  Inside me, a bubble of excited expectation starts to build.  I can no longer work out if my heart beats with fear or excitement.  I follow the pathway of candles, where yet more rose petals are strewn. 

And there at the end of the path of light, sits Jimmy, all alone in the dark.  He smiles his devilish pixie smile, the mischievous grin in his eyes echoing the light from the nearest candle.

He stands and folds me gently into his warmth, his rough workman’s hands scraping against my shoulders, his end of day stubble brushing the side of my face.  ‘Happy birthday’, he says.  ‘Sorry, I couldn’t afford a gift’.  My tears wet the fabric of his T-shirt, as I cry with silent joy into his shoulder. 

On the table is a simple meal, which Jimmy has prepared himself.  A mixed salad, clumsily chopped, chicken curry and rice.  With Jimmy, it’s always curry.  But you know something?  As my eyes took in the meal, and he ladled food onto my plate, no banquet could possibly have been more special.